- Sam Brownback, a Republican senator from Kansas, says his life was changed by a biography of Wilberforce. 这位英国废奴主义者在宗教右派很有感召力。
- Sam Brownback is the only declared republican candidate who has spoken out against the recent troop increase. 而萨姆布朗巴克则是已公布的共和党候选人中唯一发表讲话反对向伊拉克增派部队的。
- Republican Senator Sam Brownback of the Midwestern U.S. state of Kansas announced his candidacy for the 2008 race today. 美国中西部州肯萨斯州州长、共和党参议员桑姆.;布朗伯克今天宣布了他将参加2008总统竞选。
- Yesterday Democratic Senator Hillary Clinton announced the same and Kansas Republican Senator Sam Brownback declared his candidacy. 昨天,民主党参议员希拉里克林顿作出同样宣布,堪萨斯州民主党参议员山姆布朗伯克也宣称他参加竞选。
- Senator Sam Brownback, a conservative Republican who announced Saturday he is running for president in 2008, is participating in the March for Life events. 星期六宣布将参加2008年的总统竞选的保守派参议员布朗贝克参加“为生命游行”的活动。
- Senator Sam Brownback, Republican of Kansas, urged the administration to redouble its efforts on behalf of the Burmese refugees and others who desperately need to resettle. 堪萨斯州共和党参议员山姆布朗巴克代表缅甸难民以及其他急需安置的难民敦促政府加倍努力。
- Sam Brownback? 山姆-布朗百克(SamBrownback)?
- "China hoped the Olympics would be their international house-warming party, but it has only aired their dirty laundry," Republican Senator Sam Brownback said at the rain-drenched gathering. 这封信在星期四完成。参与的立法者们来自人权机构、新闻媒体、宗教僧侣和一些其他的政府机构。在北京奥运会前夕,信中重点谴责了中国所谓的人权。
- It has also had some effect in the capital: Senator Sam Brownback is just one of a number of high-profile conservatives who have apologised for harbouring hostile thoughts about her. 也为他打开了首都的局面:参议院山姆布朗贝克(SamBrownback)就是那些态度鲜明的保守派之一,他们曾对其心怀敌意现在却转而道歉。
- “This looks like fire, ready, aim,” says Sam Brownback (R-Kan.). “这就像开火、准备、瞄准一样简单”,Sam Brownback 说。
- Sam was so nervous today; he was all thumbs. 萨姆今天太紧张,做事笨手笨脚的。
- Sam and his wife busted up a year ago. 萨姆和他的妻子一年前就关系破裂了。
- I asked where Sam was, but she just shrugged. 我问她萨姆在哪儿,她只耸了耸肩。
- Sam flicked through a magazine while he waited. 萨姆一边等著一边翻阅杂志。
- He said (that) his friend's name was Sam. 他说他朋友的名字叫山姆。
- Old Sam is poor now, but he has known better days. 老山姆现在很潦倒,可他以前曾风光过。
- Old Sam is poor now, but he has seen better days. 老山姆现在很潦倒,可他以前曾风光过。
- Sam cast an eye of surprise at the group before him. 萨姆用惊奇的眼光注视面前的那群人。
- Sam was in the cold in the conversation. 在谈话中没人理会山姆。
- Sam lives at number 20 Park Street. 山姆住在派克街二十号。